Who We Are

Dei Gratia Family Foundation began in 2020 through a generous donation with the hopes of creating something that will live on through many generations. The phrase dei gratia translates to “by the grace of God.” This name was chosen based on our belief that we as a family have been blessed with many good fortunes, and it is our responsibility to now share that with our community. Frances Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan once said “Use riches with generosity, appreciate them with discernment, and be strongly detached from them, because they do not belong to you. God has merely entrusted them to you to share with the poor.” This quote guides our foundation as we remind ourselves that our good fortune has been granted to us by God not for our own happiness but for the purpose of serving those in need. This foundation is rooted in the Catholic teachings of the Jesuits who are guided by the principle of “men for others,” and the example of St. Ignatius who gave up all of his wealth to serve those less fortunate. Our mission is centered around Jesus’ teaching that we must feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and care for the sick. Our foundation hopes to support organizations who share our mission in serving those in their communities.